Posts in the Blogs Category

Wonderful Voice Over Self-Improvement Technique

Click on this link to learn a great technique you can work on by yourself to improve your voice over work, and to add more styles to your repertoire.

This video is from

The Promo ID

Here’s an idea…if you haven’t already thought of it.

When you next create some Station IDs for your station, why not create a few Promo IDs as well.

Promo IDs are Station IDs;

A Handy Low Cost Microphone Stand

Perhaps, like me, you produce audio content at a desk, in front of a computer. I have a very simple set-up, with a USB powered microphone, and free recording software on my PC.

One-Touch Voice Post Processing

I own a basic USB microphone that captures reasonably good voice recordings, and on my computer, I record using an audio editor called Audacity.

Then, using my audio editor, I post process the

KEYBOARD SHORT CUTS - The Audio Editor's Godsend

Audio editing can be one of the most repetitive tasks in radio. You may be editing an interview to duration, or perhaps piecing together a recorded programme with lots of different audio components.

Oh no, I haven’t got a microphone…Hang on, Yes I Have!

You want to make a recording to play on your radio station. Perhaps it’s a message to go before a song request; maybe you need to broadcast an emergency message; or maybe you

Live Scripts -to Read or Not to Read

Live scripts are a great way to communicate information to your listener in a personal way (not just in canned commercial format). Station promos and announcements, community notices and even commercials.

Most stations

Useful Phrases for Voice Breaks

When an announcer is on air, it is important that their continuity is understandable, and gives clear direction to the listener. For example, a phrase like “coming up” is great, because it keeps

Automated Radio #8: Music


Welcome to the final instalment in our series on running an automated radio station.

An automated radio station can continue to run uninterrupted…indefinitely (provided you have your Windows Update Auto Restart turned

Automated Radio #7: Use Metadata

Use Metadata

Welcome to the final installment in our series on running an automated radio station.

Yesterday we talked about voice tracking to provide an announcer’s voice in an automated programme. Unless you

Automated Radio #6: Voice Tracks

Voice Tracks

A Voice Track is a recorded DJ announcement, that is scheduled and played between songs or programmes. It is specific to that one time, and is not repeated. It gives the

Automated Radio #5: Promotion


Success for a radio station, is getting listeners…and keeping them! One of the best ways of doing this, is giving them a reason to stay listening.

A station needs to promote its

Automated Radio #4: Special Music Shows

Special Music Shows

Some stations like to set aside some of their air time for specialist music programmes – for example: one hour of Drum ‘n’ Bass on Friday evening, or Worship music

Automated Radio #3: Spoken Features

Spoken Features

Perhaps the strength of your station is your music format. Of course, you don’t want to mess with that. Play the right music, and play it as much as you can.

Automated Radio #2: Station IDs

In my country, all radio stations are required by law to identify themselves a minimum of once per hour. OK, that’s the legal requirements…but what about the relational requirements?

Come on folks, radio

Automated Radio # 1: What is an Automated Station?

What is an Automated Station?

An automated radio station is a station that operates automatically, using radio software. It is programmed to play certain audio at certain times, and it can keep playing
