Posts in the Blogs Category

Editing with Audacity – Quick Tips I: The Tools Menu

If you have used Audacity for recording and editing your audio, you will be familiar with the Tools menu. This little box has six essential editing tools – Selection, Envelope, Draw, Zoom,

On Demand is OK

You play pre-recorded programmes on your radio station. Some are exceptional. Great!

You repeat your most popular programmes at other times, in order to reach a wider audience. Wonderful.


These days people

Listener Station IDs

Spice up your inventory of Station IDs, by using the voices of…your listeners.

You have the Station IDs featuring the radio guy with the silky-smooth voice; you have the Station IDs that

Don't Preach on Air

Some readers of this blog are people of faith…and…are broadcasters. It’s OK, both are welcome ?

However, nothing turns a listener off quicker than a radio host preaching (even if that listener

Announcing Live on Air – using a Phone!

Today I did something I have never done before. I broadcast part of my live radio show, using my Android phone as my broadcast microphone.

How did it sound? True, it

Interviewing Skills – Keep it Tight

Interviews are important in radio. They introduce new voices, different perspectives and a human touch to your station. But no interview is given unlimited air time. You need to keep your listeners’

Use Skype to Record Interviews

These days, it is not necessary to go on location to record an interview. You don’t even have to have a telephone interface. Many radio stations use Skype to record their interviews.

Developing a Team Mentality at your Radio Station

In sports, it happens all the time. A team of highly-rated, highly-paid superstars is taken down by an opposition of lesser players…who got the basics right and played as a team!

Radio also

Creating a Great Radio Station from a Big Hard Drive of Music

OK. You want to start your own radio station. You’ve chosen your target audience, you know what your station goals are and now you need to sort out what music to play.

Studio Cams – are they worthwhile?

This is a multi-media world. Text on its own is no longer enough. Audio on its own is no longer enough. This generation of media users seems to want their content coming at

Air Checks

What is an air check?

An air check is a method of quality control for radio announcers. The station manager or programme director spends time with an announcer, analyzing their on-air performance, offering


Talkback radio could be defined as a topical phone-in radio programme. It is a forum for listeners to listen to the views of others and perhaps even phone the station and share their

Free and Low Cost Production Music

If you are producing radio commercials, station promos, feature programmes and dramas, you will need instrumental music…and lots of it.

Pre-recorded production music, especially composed for media is the answer, but it is

Free Sound Effects for Your Audio Production

Perhaps you are producing a car commercial that needs a ‘honking horn’ in the background. Or maybe you are making a short drama, and you need beach sounds and an aircraft taking off.

Recording with Multiple USB Microphones

USB microphones are a wonderful innovation. They allow a media person to make quality recordings anywhere, using a simple microphone/lap top combination. In effect, they turn your lap top into a portable studio.

Commercial Writing – The Absolute Basics

There is much to be said about writing scripts for commercials. Books have been written. Seminars have been taught.

But after listening to commercials all my life, I have boiled good commercial writing
