I have visited radio stations that are a single room operation. On one side of the room is the computer, mixer and microphone; on the other is the transmitter! Of course, this is
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You have arranged your on-air interview. You have done your research. You have written down some of the questions you want to ask.
But there’s one final and very valuable source to check out
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Have you run out of things to do before you go on air?
If you are a music station – you must never go on air without first doing this:
Artist Research.
It sounds
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One thing I have learnt over the years is this…financial income – wages, donations, sales…all come out of one thing – relationship.
An employer will not take someone on unless they first know
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It has always been the job of the announcer to say all the important information – station name, song title and artist name.
But, this is now the Internet generation. Listeners to Internet
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The phone is wonderful. It can add so much value to your radio programme. It can connect your listener with people and views they might not normally get the chance to hear. It
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When a listener tunes in to your station, they want to know what they are listening to. If they don’t hear the name of the station within two or three songs, they may
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Let me tell you a true story.
When I was young and indestructible, I loved music, and I loved it loud. Being a kind-hearted young rocker, I found the best way to have
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Many new announcers get very nervous about going on air. I know I dreaded my first air shift, for months before it happened. I even had nightmares about all the things that could
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How exciting! Your dream has come true. You have been allocated an air shift on your radio station. Now you will be able to play all your favourite music – right? Maybe! Maybe
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Websters dictionary defines ‘ad-lib’ as “to deliver spontaneously,” or “to improvise.” So…what’s the secret to doing a great ad-lib?
One word…preparation!
We see ad-libs on television from reporters and sports presenters. We hear great
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“So, that event is happening at the High School auditorium, this Saturday evening at 7. To get a ticket, phone Jenny on 00812786410. You’re listening to Fast FM. Here’s a song from Justin
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Your job – above all else – is to be a friend to your listener. Not a super jock, not a know-it-all…just a human being that your listener can relate to. (Would you
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Some people ask me…”What’s the best way to start a great career in radio?”
Is it…learn great voice control? Is it…know your music?
Here’s my answer:
“Make the announcer’s coffee.”
Happy broadcasting.
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Guess What? The eye and the ear are different! We all know this already. Right?
But, answer this question: Why do so many radio announcers insist on reading articles straight from newspapers, magazines or
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When teaching new announcers about program presentation, what do you think is the thing they find hardest of all to manage? What they are going to say next? Which button to push? How
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