Tip of the Week - 2016 06 15: Do Some Artist Research

Have you run out of things to do before you go on air?

If you are a music station – you must never go on air without first doing this:

Artist Research.Beyonce-Knowles-Billboard-Magazine-October-1

It sounds complicated. But in fact, it simply means to immerse yourself in your station’s music. To many listeners, you are the source of their music news – especially about the artists you play on your station.

So…remain informed. It’s not that hard. Make sure your station subscribes to the relevant music publications…and read them! Identify the main artists on your station, and make a point of keeping up on their news.

And here’s a great hint: Before you go on air, choose five artists that you will be playing in today’s programme. Go to their web sites, and find some news on each one. Write it down, and then incorporate this information into your voice breaks when you play those artists.

Your audience probably listens to you because they love this music. Go one step further, and love it more! It will build bridges with your listeners.

Happy broadcasting



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: Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

: Blogs

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