8 time-saving tips & tricks for Audacity

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: Thursday, November 16th, 2017

8 time-saving tips & tricks for Audacity

Learn how to edit audio projects much faster with simple tricks in Audacity. Links and shownotes at Zoom shortcuts2. Scroll shortcuts3. Selection jump4. Backwards editing5. Playback speed6. Labels7. Chains: Keyboard shortcuts(In case you’re wondering about the angle, my primary camera’s focus was too far off to use, so I had to use the backup camera.)SUBSCRIBE to the weekly podcast at (903) 231-2221Email feedback@ a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast————————————————————————The Audacity to Podcast a “how-to” podcast about podcasting and using Audacity. It won the people’s choice award for #1 technology podcast in 2012 from J. Lewis is a web-design entrepreneur, podcast consultant, and host of several award-winning and award-nominated podcasts, released by Network at Daniel is available for hire to design websites and podcast cover art; provide one-on-one podcast consulting; or speak on podcasting, design, social media, and technology.

