Internet Radio Tips #6

Hi there. This is the final in this series on broadcasting radio on the Internet. We hope you find it useful. Don’t forget, you can access the full video series for free here:…/videos/internet-radio/

6a: Audio Quality
You can choose what audio quality you stream on the Internet to your listeners. You just need to remember that higher audio quality takes up more bandwidth, and may not suit areas with less reliable Internet. Remember that some plans are based on Internet usage, so the higher the audio quality, the less listeners you may be able to have.

To learn more, check out this video:

6b: Meta Data is Important
Meta data is information about a song (artist, title year etc) that is stored inside the song file itself, using MP3 tags. Before you start broadcasting, it’s important that you input the data for every song in your library. It’s a big task, but an essential one. Here’s why. Firstly, people like to know what they are listening to. If you have inputted your song meta data, it will be displayed on the listener’s device. Secondly, if your country’s laws require you to submit reports of songs played, a report can be created easily, provided all the data is in your system.

To learn more, check out this video:

Happy broadcasting.

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: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

: Blogs

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