Internet Radio Tips #5

Thanks for staying with us through this short series. We hope you find it interesting, and that it gets you thinking!

5a: Get the Gear. 
Yes, it’s true that Internet radio stations require less equipment. However, remember that your computer will be broadcasting 24/7 (remember, once you are on the net, your audience is worldwide). You need a machine that is rugged enough to keep broadcasting, not overheat or crash, and with enough processing power to do everything you are asking of it. A domestic lap top may work today, but may not be up to the task long term. Paying a little more now, will save you grief in the long run, and keep your station outages to a minimum. If possible, find a computer person who understands your needs, and get them to assemble the right machine for you.

To learn more, check out this video:

5b: Icecast or Shoutcast
These are the two main internet radio streaming systems. Both have their own advantages. You can choose to stream in one or the other…or both at the same time. Your internet streaming provider should be able to offer you a choice.

To learn more, check out this video:

Happy broadcasting.

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: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

: Blogs

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