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: Thursday, March 3rd, 2016


DSP is an acronym for digital signal processing, and is how workstations modify audio signals. Typical signal modification includes EQ (tone control), compression, limiting, expanding, gating, and Dessing (dynamic control), and reverb, and delays (spatial control).In addition to these, DSP can produce effects like time compression-expansion, pitch shifting, flanging, modulation, and are usually two ways to add DSP to audio signals. One way is to create a new file with the desired audio processing. This is usually done on the edit window timeline. The advantage to adding DSP this way is that once the file has been processed, the computer no longer needs to work as hard to do the processing in real second way to add DSP is is to apply the desired plug-in to a track in the mixer window. The advantage of adding the DSP this way is that adjustments can be made in context with the entire mix and in real time. Also, changes can be made more easily later, if needed.

